Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Henry Lok: 1593-1597, Sonnet I

Henry Lok focused upon Calvinist biblical devotion.

Of Thee and Thy prayse– Lord–will I sing,
      Who rid'st on wingèd chariot of the skie;
      Whose throne is plast aboue the thrones most hie,
      Whose will doth forme and change ech formèd thing:

To Thee the offerings of Thy bounties gift,
      To Thee the due of my attaynd desire
      I will present, and with a voice vplift,
      Contend to cause the world Thy name admire.

Thy prayses do not mortall praise require,
      For lo !–alas !–they no way can come nye
      Vnto the holy hymmes Thy saints apply,
      And angels sing, inflam'd with heauenly fire:

           Yet shall my soule, such zealous present bring,
           As shall record my loue to heauen's high king.


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